Capitalization and Main Investors

Summary of investment units (as of August 31, 2024)

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Stock code 8953
Stock Exchange Tokyo Stock Exchange 
Real Estate Investment Corporation
Unit of investment units 1
Number of investors 30,701
Unitholder registry administrator Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Months of accounting period end February and August
General Meeting of Unitholders Once every two years
* The Investment Corporation has no special benefit plans for its unitholders

Capitalization (as of November 6, 2024)

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Total equity JPY 431,544,393,160
Authorized number of units 16,000,000
Units issued and outstanding 7,192,809

Changes in Issued Unit Capital (as of November 6, 2024)

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Date Capital transaction Number of units issued and outstanding (units) Unitholders' capital
(Millions of yen)
Increase Balance Increase Balance
Sep. 14, 2001 Private placement for incorporation 400 400 200 200 *1
Mar. 12, 2002 Public offering 52,000 52,400 23,462 23,662 *2
Mar. 4, 2003 Public offering 95,000 147,400 47,697 71,360 *3
Mar. 26, 2003 Allocation of investment units to a third party 5,102 152,502 2,561 73,921 *4
Mar. 2, 2004 Public offering 67,000 219,502 42,267 116,188 *5
Mar. 8, 2005 Public offering 56,000 275,502 43,175 159,364 *6
Mar. 29, 2005 Allocation of investment units to a third party 4,000 279,502 3,083 162,448 *7
Sep. 14, 2005 Public offering 23,000 302,502 19,109 181,557 *8
Sep. 21, 2006 Public offering 78,000 380,502 64,263 245,821 *9
Sep. 27, 2006 Allocation of investment units to a third party 6,000 386,502 4,943 250,764 *10
Mar. 1, 2010 Unit split 1,159,506 1,546,008 - 250,764 *11
Mar. 1, 2010 Merger 142,190 1,688,198 - 250,764 *12
Sep. 14, 2011 Public offering 187,500 1,875,698 19,520 270,284 *13
Oct. 12, 2011 Allocation of investment units to a third party 4,500 1,880,198 468 270,752 *14
Oct. 1, 2012 Public offering 194,500 2,074,698 24,162 294,915 *15
Oct. 31, 2012 Allocation of investment units to a third party 4,500 2,079,198 559 295,474 *16
Oct. 2, 2013 Public offering 229,000 2,308,198 43,465 338,940 *17
Sep. 25, 2014 Public offering 119,500 2,427,698 23,816 362,756 *18
Oct. 22, 2014 Allocation of investment units to a third party 2,500 2,430,198 498 363,254 *19
Sep. 9, 2015 Public offering 119,500 2,549,698 23,453 386,707 *20
Oct. 7, 2015 Allocation of investment units to a third party 2,500 2,552,198 490 387,198 *21
Mar. 14, 2017 Public offering 112,500 2,664,698 24,143 411,341 *22
Mar. 29, 2017 Allocation of investment units to a third party 2,500 2,667,198 536 411,878 *23
Feb. 9, 2018 Cancellation -49,181 2,618,017 - 411,878 *24
Aug. 18, 2020 Cancellation -15,534 2,602,483 - 411,878 *25
Mar. 1, 2021 Unit split 2,602,483 5,204,966 - 411,878 *26
Mar. 1, 2021 Merger 1,784,125 6,989,091 - 411,878 *27
Jun. 7, 2024 Cancellation -10,582 6,978,509 - 411,878 *28
Oct. 4, 2024 Public offering 204,100 7,182,609 18,730 430,608 *29
Nov. 6, 2024 Allocation of investment units to a third party 10,200 7,192,809 936 431,544 *30
The Investment Corporation was incorporated through private placement at a price of 500,000 yen per unit.
New investment units were issued at a price of 470,000 yen per unit (subscription price of 451,200 yen per unit) through a public offering in order to raise funds for acquiring new real property and refund short-term debts.
New investment units were issued at a price of 521,228 yen per unit (subscription price of 502,080 yen per unit) through a public offering in order to raise funds for acquiring new real property and refund short-term debts.
New investment units were issued at a price of 502,080 yen per unit through the allocation of investment units to a third-party in order to raise funds for acquiring new real property and refund short-term debts.
New investment units were issued at a price of 654,910 yen per unit (subscription price of 630,852 yen per unit) through a public offering in order to raise funds for acquiring new real property and refund short-term debts.
New investment units were issued at a price of 798,700 yen per unit (subscription price of 770,990 yen per unit) through a public offering in order to raise funds for acquiring new real property and refund short-term debts.
New investment units were issued at a price of 770,990 yen per unit through the allocation of investment units to a third party in order to raise funds for acquiring new real property and refund short-term debts.
New investment units were issued at a price of 861,300 yen per unit (subscription price of 830,850 yen per unit) through a public offering in order to refund short-term debts.
New investment units were issued at a price of 852,600 yen per unit (subscription price of 823,890 yen per unit) through a public offering in order to raise funds for acquiring new real property and refund short-term debts.
New investment units were issued at a price of 823,890 yen per unit through the allocation of investment units to a third party in order to raise funds for acquiring new real property and refund short-term debts.
The Investment Corporation executed a four-for-one unit split.
The Investment Corporation merged with LaSalle Japan REIT Inc. (“LJR”). The merger was an absorption-type in accordance with Article 147 of the Act on Investment Trusts with the Investment Corporation as the surviving corporation and LJR was dissolved.
New investment units were issued at a price of 107,640 yen per unit (subscription price of 104,107 yen per unit) through a public offering in order to raise funds for acquiring new real property and refund short-term and long-term debts.
New investment units were issued at a price of 104,107 yen per unit through the allocation of investment units to a third party in order to raise funds for acquiring new real property and refund short-term and long-term debts.
New investment units were issued at a price of 128,310 yen per unit (subscription price of 124,230 yen per unit) through public offering in order to raise a part of funds for acquiring new real property.
New investment units were issued at a price of 124,230 yen per unit through the allocation of investment units to a third party in order to raise a part of costs in associated with new real property acquisition, raise costs for issuance of new investment units and refund the borrowings.
New investment units were issued at a price of 195,902 yen per unit (subscription price of 189,805 yen per unit) through public offering in order to raise a part of funds for acquiring new real property.
New investment units were issued at a price of 205,702 yen per unit (subscription price of 199,300 yen per unit) through public offering in order to raise a part of funds for acquiring new real property.
New investment units were issued at a price of 199,300 yen per unit through the allocation of investment units to a third party in order to raise a part of funds associated with new property acquisitions (remaining cash, if any, will be reserved for future acquisition of specified assets, etc.).
New investment units were issued at a price of 202,566 yen per unit (subscription price of 196,261 yen per unit) through public offering in order to raise a part of funds for acquiring new real property.
New investment units were issued at a price of 196,261 yen per unit through the allocation of investment units to a third party in order to raise a part of funds associated with new property acquisitions (remaining cash, if any, will be reserved for future acquisition of specified assets, etc.).
New investment units were issued at a price of 221,382 yen per unit (subscription price of 214,605 yen per unit) through public offering in order to raise a part of funds for acquiring new real property.
New investment units were issued at a price of 214,605 yen per unit through the allocation of investment units to a third party in order to raise a part of funds associated with new property acquisitions (remaining cash, if any, will be reserved for future acquisition of specified assets, etc.).
Based on the discretionary transaction contract with a security company, the Investment Corporation acquired own investment units from October 17, 2017 to January 23, 2018. The Investment Corporation resolved the Cancellation of all the acquired own investment units at a meeting of the board of directors of the Investment Corporation which was held on January 26, 2018 and the acquired own investment units were retired on February 9, 2018.
Based on the discretionary transaction contract with a security company, the Investment Corporation acquired own investment units from April 14, 2020 to June 5, 2020. The Investment Corporation resolved the Cancellation of all the acquired own investment units at a meeting of the board of directors of the Investment Corporation which was held on August 7, 2020 and the acquired own investment units were retired on August 18, 2020.
The Investment Corporation executed a two-for-one unit split.
The Investment Corporation merged with MCUBS MidCity Investment Corporation (“MMI”). The merger was an absorption-type in accordance with Article 147 of the Act on Investment Trusts with the Investment Corporation as the surviving corporation and MMI was dissolved.
Based on the discretionary transaction contract with a security company, the Investment Corporation acquired own investment units from April 18, 2024 to May 16, 2024. The Investment Corporation resolved the Cancellation of all the acquired own investment units at a meeting of the board of directors of the Investment Corporation which was held on April 17, 2024 and the acquired own investment units were retired on June 7, 2024.
New investment units were issued at a price of 94,668 yen per unit (subscription price of 91,770 yen per unit) through public offering in order to raise a part of funds for acquiring new real property.
New investment units were issued at a price of 91,770 yen per unit through the allocation of investment units to a third party in order to procure funds (for future acquisition of specified assets, etc.).

Top 20 Unitholders (as of August 31, 2024)

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Rank Name No. of units
Ratio (%)
1 Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 1,500,463 21.50
2 The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 1,187,183 17.01
3 The Nomura Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. (Investment Trust Account) 374,226 5.36
5 Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. 137,008 1.96
9 Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. 93,399 1.33
11 JP Morgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. 83,290 1.19
12 SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. 82,408 1.18
13 JP MORGAN CHASE BANK 385771 80,277 1.15
15 BNYM AS AGT/CLTS 10 PERCENT 67,809 0.97
16 JP MORGAN CHASE BANK 380854 62,800 0.89
17 JP MORGAN CHASE BANK 385794 53,911 0.77
18 Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account 4) 52,983 0.75
20 Kanden Realty & Development Co.,Ltd. 46,000 0.65
Total of Top 20 4,522,612
* Percentages are rounded down to the second decimal place.

Ownership Ratio by Investor Type

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Retail investors / Others

Financial Institutions

Other Corporations

Overseas Investors


Number of Unitholders by investor type

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Financial Institutions

Other Corporations

Overseas Investors


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  Feb. 2022 Aug. 2022 Feb. 2023 Aug. 2023 Feb. 2024 Aug. 2024
Total number of unitholders 31,233 30,074 29,521 29,794 29,793 30,701
* The above chart excludes retail investors/others.