Historical Portfolio Data

Historical Chart of Total Assets

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Total Assets


(billion yen)

This table can be scrolled sideways.

Fiscal Period
Total Assets Number of
Total Appraisal
Total Book
Aug. 2024(45th) 1,251,535 141 1,227,028 1,373,195 1,166,468 206,726
Feb. 2024 (44th) 1,248,078 133 1,210,012 1,344,515 1,149,563 194,951
Aug. 2023 (43rd) 1,249,926 132 1,214,339 1,324,384 1,153,040 171,343
Feb. 2023 (42nd) 1,249,604 128 1,207,229 1,303,023 1,147,477 155,545
Aug. 2022 (41st) 1,248,964 127 1,207,480 1,307,614 1,150,367 157,246
Feb. 2022 (40th) 1,247,439 128 1,211,319 1,309,105 1,156,289 152,815
Aug. 2021 (39th) 1,235,720 126 1,173,761 1,280,820 1,119,816 161,003
Feb. 2021 (38th) 903,221 102 880,472 987,330 824,751 162,579
Aug. 2020 (37th) 903,461 102 888,884 997,160 836,003 161,157
Feb. 2020 (36th) 899,888 100 877,288 988,190 826,061 162,129
Aug. 2019 (35th) 900,799 100 883,234 994,120 832,643 161,477
Feb. 2019 (34th) 897,331 101 905,735 1,008,340 851,358 156,982
Aug. 2018 (33rd) 887,668 98 888,675 985,230 836,065 149,165
Feb. 2018 (32nd) 902,191 100 910,110 994,230 859,041 135,189
Aug. 2017 (31st)  897,631  95 880,210 959,530 832,354 127,176
Feb. 2017 (30th) 856,627 92  847,281  916,540  801,896  114,644
Aug. 2016 (29th) 858,390  93  848,515  907,284  803,637  103,647
Feb. 2016 (28th) 829,239  94  852,414  898,682  807,141  91,541
Aug. 2015 (27th) 842,568  90  854,133  874,015  803,103  70,912
Feb. 2015 (26th) 834,687  88  845,646  847,609  796,765  50,844
Aug. 2014 (25th)  785,442  84  802,395  792,437  755,736  36,701
Feb. 2014 (24th)  777,706  81  787,686  769,357  742,642  26,715
Aug. 2013 (23rd)  711,352  76  720,396  685,097  678,711  6,386
Feb. 2013 (22nd)  710,212  76  720,018  677,920  681,823  -3,903
Aug. 2012 (21st)  657,027  70  667,618  621,840  633,322  -11,482
Feb. 2012 (20th)  659,346  70  664,118  614,545  634,149  -19,604
Aug. 2011 (19th)  621,377  59  624,254  566,765  597,570  -30,805
Feb. 2011 (18th)  625,312  59  624,254  568,969  601,341  -32,372
Aug. 2010 (17th)  666,843  59  624,254  565,952  605,601  -39,649
Feb. 2010 (16th)  578,829  50  571,229  512,641  554,789  -42,148
Aug. 2009 (15th)  588,500  50  571,107  517,981  559,203  -41222
Feb. 2009 (14th)  578,674  48  561,927  537,350  553,619  -16,269
Aug. 2008 (13th)  589,630  49  569,414  605,542  564,703  40,839
Feb. 2008 (12th)  546,831  45  526,133  591,804  524,136  67,668
Aug. 2007 (11th)  488,747  42  455,243  509,570  454,711  54,859
Feb. 2007 (10th)  480,415  41  448,490  498,547  449,981  48,566
Aug. 2006 (9th)  394,376  37  369,891  411,209  372,469  38,740
Feb. 2006 (8th)  339,844  34  308,307  332,307  310,547  21,760
Aug. 2005 (7th)  312,349  32  291,215  306,163  293,836  12,327
Feb. 2005 (6th)  244,706  24  228,307  231,265  230,610  655
Aug. 2004 (5th)  200,686  20  186,175  188,750  188,280  470
Feb. 2004 (4th)  169,891  16  156,555  159,280  159,024  256
Aug. 2003 (3rd)  126,377  10  112,438  114,900  113,933  967
Feb. 2003 (2nd)  45,012  4  42,891  43,220  43,027  193
Aug. 2002 (1st)  44,064  4  40,917  41,107  41,314  -207

See Past Periods Hide Past Periods

* Amounts in millions of yen, except for number of existing properties. The difference between the total appraisal value and total book value is calculated by simple subtraction in millions.

Occupancy Ratio

This table can be scrolled sideways.

Fiscal Period
Leasable Area (m²) Number of
Tenants *1
Occupancy Ratio
(%) *2
NOI Yield
NOI yield after depreciation
Aug. 2024 (45th) 2,551,239.63 2,920 99.3 4.4 3.5
Feb. 2024 (44th) 2,537,183.65 2,371 99.3 4.4 3.5
Aug. 2023 (43rd) 2,537,744.84 2,177 99.2 4.3 3.4
Feb. 2023 (42nd) 2,545,338.43 1,747 99.2  4.5  3.5
Aug. 2022 (41st) 2,533,128.62 1,675 99.1 4.4 3.4
Feb. 2022 (40th) 2,533,147.83 1,566 98.5 4.5 3.5
Aug. 2021 (39th) 2,506,060.21 1,435 99.1 4.6 3.6
Feb. 2021 (38th) 2,336,226.77 968 99.6 5.1 3.8
Aug. 2020 (37th) 2,336,391.47 984 99.7 4.7 3.4
Feb. 2020 (36th) 2,397,265.59 938 99.7 4.8 3.6
Aug. 2019 (35th) 2,397,039.17 923 99.1  4.5  3.2
Feb. 2019 (34th) 2,457,897.95 958 98.8  4.8  3.6
Aug. 2018 (33rd) 2,442,275.77 960 98.6  4.9  3.7
Feb. 2018 (32nd) 2,602,978.71 962 99.5  5.2 3.9
Aug. 2017 (31st)  2,566,901.5  975  99.7  5.1  3.8
Feb. 2017 (30th)  2,563,897.2  937  99.6  5  3.7
Aug. 2016 (29th)  2,668,210.09  880  99.4  5.1 3.7
Feb. 2016 (28th)  2,842,989.82  1007  99.7  5.1 3.7
Aug. 2015 (27th) 3,150,204.42  961  99.4  5.1  3.7
Feb. 2015 (26th)  3,144,932.25  1040  99.8  5.2  3.8
Aug. 2014 (25th)  3,067,166.11  1037  99.9  5.1  3.7
Feb. 2014 (24th)  3,095,171.83  1021  99.9  5.3  3.8
Aug. 2013 (23rd)  3,000,346.25  908  99.8 5.2  3.6
Feb. 2013 (22nd)  3,000,501.52  917  99.8  5.2  3.6
Aug. 2012 (21st)  2,936,032.24  879  99.8  5.1  3.5
Feb. 2012 (20th)  2,936,425.28  868  99.8  5.1  3.5
Aug. 2011 (19th)  2,717,104.48  576  99.6  5  3.4
Feb. 2011 (18th)  2,717,223.91  530  99.1  5.1  3.4
Aug. 2010 (17th)  2,759,561.15  523  99.6  5.1  3.5
Feb. 2010 (16th)  2,530,352.95  478  99.5 5.1  3.4
Aug. 2009 (15th)  2,531,279.32  410  99.7  5.1  3.5
Feb. 2009 (14th)  2,525,167.01  373  99.7  5.3  3.6
Aug. 2008 (13th)  2,625,613.98  413  99.9  5.1  3.5
Feb. 2008 (12th)  2,427,216.15  414  99.9  5.2  3.6
Aug. 2007 (11th)  2,197,725.11  390  99.8  5.2  3.7
Feb. 2007 (10th)  2,143,327.66  415  99.9  5.4  3.8
Aug. 2006 (9th)  1,775,668.16  414  99.9  5.6  4
Feb. 2006 (8th)  1,492,366.57  409  99.9  5.9  4.3
Aug. 2005 (7th)  1,405,196.55  347  99.6  5.8  4.2
Feb. 2005 (6th)  996,847.31  305  99.9  5.7  4.2
Aug. 2004 (5th)  818,436.38  308  99.9  6.2  4.6
Feb. 2004 (4th)  721,947.76  283  99.9  5.9 4.5
Aug. 2003 (3rd)  410,449.27  255  99.4  6.9  5.4
Feb. 2003 (2nd)  180,459.4  5  100  6.6  5.2
Aug. 2002 (1st)  180,459.4  5  100  6.8  5.3

See Past Periods Hide Past Periods

*1 The number of tenants is based on end tenants.
*2 The occupancy ratio is calculated by simple average method.

Sales Performance of Portfolio Total

This graph can be scrolled sideways.

*1 Portfolio total is based on interview by asset management company (excluding tax)
*2 Current Survey of Commerce by METI is based on total sales value (existing stores) of Department stores and GMS on year-on-year basis (including tax)
*3 The figures for 2021 are larger because the comparison data for the same month of 2020 includes facilities that were closed.
*4 In April 2021, portfolio total is 882.9% compared to the same month of 2020.
*5 In May 2021, portfolio total is 16,505.2% compared to the same month of 2020.
*6 In May 2022, portfolio total is 524.5% compared to the same month of 2021.

Portfolio Occupancy Rate

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*The hotel occupancy rate for May and June 2021 is 58.7%.