To Our Unitholders

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all investors for their ongoing support of Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corporation (JMF).
I, Masahiko Nishida, have appointed as Executive Director of JMF at the General Meeting of Unitholders held on Nov 26, 2021. Prior to that, I have worked to support JMF’s growth as a supervisory director since I was elected in January 2010. I am looking forward to dedicating myself completely to supporting JMF in achieving further growth as an executive director, and I would like to extend my appreciation in advance for your support in these endeavors.
JMF is Japan's largest Diversified REIT investing in real estate properties related to Japan urban life "live, work and consume". While major changes are occurring in the ways people work, live and consume, various types of usage needs have emerged in urban areas. By promoting flexible operation of facilities by asset or by area level beyond the framework of asset classes and outside the boundaries of existing asset levels, we will work to provide greater stability and increase growth.
We will continue to strive to live up to investors’ expectations, together with the asset manager, KJR Management, and look forward to receiving your continued support.