
Various Milestones


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Sep. 13, 2001 Notification on incorporation of the Investment Corporation by the organizer (Mitsubishi Corp. – UBS Realty Inc) in accordance with Article 69, Paragraph 1 of the Investment Trust Law
Sep. 14, 2001 Registration of incorporation of the Investment Corporation in accordance with Article 166 of the Investment Trust Law
Sep. 14, 2001 Company Incorporation
Sep. 21. 2001 Application for registration of the Investment Corporation in accordance with Article 188 of the Investment Trust Law
Oct. 18, 2001 Prime Minister's approval of registration of the Investment Corporation in accordance with Article 187 of the Investment Trust Law (Kanto Regional Finance Bureau Director-General Registration No. 8)
Feb. 22, 2002 Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Mar. 12, 2002 Initial Public Offering
Listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange
Mar. 13, 2002 Starting asset management
Mar. 4, 2003 1st global follow-on public offerings
Mar. 26, 2003 Third-party allotment in Japan
May 28, 2003 Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Mar. 2, 2004 2nd global follow-on public offerings
Feb. 9, 2005 1st J-REIT to issue Japan Retail Fund Investment Corporation1st and 2nd unsecured corporate bonds (JPY 35 billion issued)
Mar. 8, 2005 3rd global follow-on public offerings
Mar. 29, 2005 Third-party allotment in Japan
May 24, 2005 Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Sep. 14, 2005 4th global follow-on public offerings


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Feb. 22, 2006 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corporation 3rd unsecured corporate bonds issuance (JPY 10 billion issued)
Sep. 21, 2006 5th global follow-on public offerings
Sep. 27, 2006 Third-party allotment in Japan
Nov. 22, 2006 Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Dec. 22, 2006 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corporation 4th unsecured corporate bonds issuance (JPY 20 billion issued)
May 23, 2007 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corporation 5th and 6th unsecured corporate bonds issuance (JPY 35 billion issued)
Sep. 12, 2007 Registration for the deemed real estate agency in accordance with Article 77-2, Paragraph 2 of the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Law (Notification Number: Law No. 51)
Dec. 25, 2007 Short-term corporate bond issuance
Nov. 25, 2008 Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Jan. 5, 2009 Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Jan. 26, 2010 Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Mar. 1, 2010 Completion of Merger with LaSalle Japan REIT Inc.
Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Mar. 29, 2010 Establishment and selling start of ADR Program Level-1


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Sep. 14, 2011 6th global follow-on public offerings
Oct. 12, 2011 Third-party allotment in Japan
Dec. 13, 2011 Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Oct. 1, 2012 7th global follow-on public offerings
Oct. 31, 2012 Third-party allotment in Japan
Oct. 2, 2013 8th global follow-on public offerings
Nov. 29, 2013 Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Dec. 18, 2013 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corporation 7th unsecured corporate bonds issuance (JPY 7.5 billion issued)
Jun. 26, 2014 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corporation 8th unsecured corporate bonds issuance (JPY 8.0 billion issued)
Sep. 25, 2014 9th global follow-on public offerings
Oct. 22, 2014 Third-party allotment in Japan
Feb. 5, 2015 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corporation 9th unsecured corporate bonds issuance (JPY 7.0 billion issued)
Sep. 9, 2015 10th global follow-on public offerings
Oct. 7, 2015 Third-party allotment in Japan
Nov. 27, 2015 Amendment of Article of Incorporation


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Mar. 14, 2017 11th global follow-on public offerings
Mar. 29, 2017 Third-party allotment in Japan
May 19, 2017 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corporation 10th and 11th unsecured corporate bonds issuance (JPY 7.0 billion issued)
Oct. 16, 2017 Repurchase of own investment units under the provisions of Article 80-5 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations of Japan
Nov. 27, 2017 Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Jan. 23, 2018 Completion of the repurchase of own investment units under the provisions to the Article 80-5 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporation of Japan
Feb. 9, 2018 Cancellation of own investment units pursuant to the Article 80, Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 4 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporation of Japan
May. 25, 2018 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corporation 12th unsecured corporate bonds, or the 1st JRF Green Bonds issuance(JPY 8.0 billion issued)
Jun. 25, 2019 Japan Retail Fund Investment Corporation 13th unsecured corporate bonds, or the 2nd JRF Green Bonds issuance(JPY 7.0 billion issued)
Nov. 22, 2019 Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Apr. 13, 2020 Repurchase of own investment units under the provisions of Article 80-5 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations of Japan
Jun. 5, 2020 Completion of the repurchase of own investment units under the provisions to the Article 80-5 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporation of Japan
Aug. 18, 2020 Cancellation of own investment units pursuant to the Article 80, Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 4 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporation of Japan


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Mar.1, 2021 Completion of Merger with MCUBS MidCity Investment Corporation
Change of trade name from Japan Retail Fund Investment Corporation to Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corporation
Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Jun.25, 2021 Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corporation 1st unsecured corporate bonds, or the 1st JMF Green Bonds issuance(JPY 8.5 billion issued)
Nov.26, 2021  Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Dec.7, 2021 Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corporation 2nd unsecured corporate bonds, or the 2nd JMF Green Bonds issuance(JPY 5.0 billion issued)
Apr.28, 2022  Change in corporate name of asset management company to KJR Management with the change in sponsor
Jun.30, 2022 Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corporation 3rd unsecured corporate bonds, or the 3rd JMF Green Bonds issuance(JPY 4.0 billion issued)
 Nov.25, 2022 Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corporation 4th unsecured corporate bonds, or the 4th JMF Green Bonds issuance(JPY 3.0 billion issued)
Mar.17, 2023 Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corporation 5th unsecured corporate bonds, or the 5th JMF Green Bonds issuance(JPY 4.0 billion issued)
Sep.29, 2023 Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corporation 6th unsecured corporate bonds, or the 6th JMF Green Bonds issuance(JPY 3.5 billion issued)
Nov.30, 2023 Amendment of Article of Incorporation
Apr.17, 2024 Repurchase of own investment units under the provisions of Article 80-5 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations of Japan
May.16, 2024 Completion of the repurchase of own investment units under the provisions to the Article 80-5 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporation of Japan
Jun.7, 2024 Cancellation of own investment units pursuant to the Article 80, Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 4 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporation of Japan